Welcome to The King's Hospital Past Pupils Union website. This website sets out information on all the Union activities, the programme of events for the year and reports and photos from past year's events.

As president, I hope to increase communication between the PPU and all past pupils and to help past pupils reconnect with each other and the school. Please feel free to come back with comments/suggestions or indeed to submit newsworthy items about past pupils.

The KHPPU is also on twitter, Facebook and Linkedin, for more news updates and events please follow these links:

KHPPU Facebook

KHPPU twitter

KHPPU LinkedIn

The KHPPU is here for all past pupils particularly in these difficult times. Please keep in touch.

Best wishes

Sue Fanning  - President Of The KHPPU.


KHPPU Committee 2024

President - Mark Johnston

President Elect -  TBC 

Hon. Secretary - Karen Seymore 

Hon. Treasurer - Edwin Watters

Office - Paul Rolston (+353 87 2621588)

Committee Members

Paul Rolston (Vice President)

Brian Winckworth (Vice President)

Susan Fanning (Vice President)

Headmaster Mark Ronan (Vice President)

Donal Fennell

Aimee Mulroy

David Hackett


 Please Note - All past pupils are members of the KHPPU, however, those that pay their annual subscription are KHPPU subscribers and therefore benefit from 10% off all KHPPU events plus they also receive the KHPPU privilege card providing further discounts from businesses and retailers. You can subscribe here ->  Pay KHPPU Subscription