Jenny Clements and David Wood impress this year's SciFest judges with their working application called Find My Car. Their winning app helps you to find the location of your car using GPS linked to...
A busy AGM reviewed another successful year for the KHPPU under the stewardship of our outgoing President Mr. Philip Treacy. During Philip's tenure we have seen, amongst other events and projects,...
As a past pupil and PPU member you are invited to this year's KHPPU AGM. If you're free, the evening commences at 18:30 with a school tour followed by our AGM at 19:30. With another exciting year...
KH student, Anna Donnelly Jackson, is the regional winner of the national #JunkKouture competition from over 250 competing schools. Hurler Henry Shefflin (representing the sponsors BofI) joins (L...
Past pupil Stephen Buchanan (tree surgeon) featured on page 12 of Property feature in Irishtimes last Thursday, Feb 12th.